Sharing Christ's love with each other and the world.
The Life in Christ Academy ministers to the whole child: Spiritually, Emotionally, Creatively, Socially, Physically and Intellectually.
-develop a sense of trust in God
-realize their need for God's love
-know Jesus as their personal Savior
-respond to God's love
-feel secure in God's love and care
-see themselves as God's children
-develop a positive self-concept
-be free to risk failure and be comfortable with mistakes
-develop a sense of security and trust
-show independence and self-responsibility
-channel emotions into appropriate and acceptable outlets
-view him/herself as a unique individual created and valued by God.
-express ideas in his or her own unique way
-be free to create artistically using a variety of media
-develop his/her God-given talents and abilities
-learn to play, work, and communicate with peers and adults
-adjust to group situations
-accept others even though they may be different from self
-develop a sense of community
-accept change in environment and routines
-develop gross and find motor skills
-develop eye-hand and eye-foot coordination
-become aware of his/her own body
-learn personal boundary relationships to others
-continue to develop language use and understanding
-develop pre-reading and reading skills through strong emphasis on phonics
-develop number skills
-expand the social science concepts
-develop an ever-increasing attention span