Sharing Christ's love with each other and the world.
Braille Center
Since 1972 members and friends of the congregation have been making books of the Bible in Braille. Large-print versions (18 font) are also available. These volumes can be ordered (free upon request) by contacting Lutheran Braille Workers, Inc. online at Ibwinc Products or call 800-925-6092.
BUY-A-DOT Lutheran Braille Workers has launched its new Buy-A-Dot campaign to help purchase a new machine which produces the plates used in creating Braille Bibles, as well as related expenses. Braille and large print materials are produced for people who are blind or visually imparied who may not have other access to God's Word. Every volume produced is given away free of charge to tens of thousands of people each year. To make this happen, we rely on volunteers and donations! Will you But A Dot and help us share God’s Word? For more information, please speak with Shirley Schueler or Marie Holman.