Sharing Christ's love with each other and the world.
Lutheran Student Ministry at West Texas A&M University
Overseen by a steering committee, WT Lutheran Campus Ministry is housed at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Canyon, just across the street from the WT campus. Sunday evenings students gather for a meal and Bible study, ordinarily led by Pastor Joseph Andrajack from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Amarillo. In addition to the weekly opportunity to be nurtured in faith students also have the opportunity to participate in a spring break mission trip.
While this ministry was established with the particular goal of providing ministry to Lutheran students enrolled at WT who are away from home (and their home congregation), these students also invite friends to these gatherings. This has led to the opportunity for instruction in the Christian faith and the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
The members of St. John are happy to help support this special campus outreach.